Obviously, I’m really excited about the return of GAME OF THRONES this Sunday. In anticipation, I’ve been trying to remember all the fun things to do after watching the show. I should have made this list last year, but when Season 3 ended, I re-read the books and forget.

Here are the things I enjoy after an episode of GAME OF THRONES:

Shortly after airing

The following day

Later in the week

Adding to the mix this year

Podcasts I don’t listen to

WiC’s Game of Owns. I find their lack of critical-thinking (one co-host “didn’t see” any sign of SanSan or other romantic pairings / foils in the text) and nerd rages (“But in the book, his hair is LONG!”) unpleasant. Other opinions are available, but that’s mine.

And then Tumblr. I spend a lot of time on Tumblr during the GoT season, even though it’s frequently just re-blogs of the same GIF-sets.

What am I missing? Where do you like to go after an episode of GoT?

A great ASOIAF day

Honestly, this has been one of the best days in a long time which is concerning.¹ Before going to bed last night, I was updating my podcasts and excitedly noted an episode of BLAH auto-downloading titled “The New The Winds of Winter Sample Chapter.” What? I had to quickly update the World of Ice and Fire app to read Tyrion’s chapter. There were dragons burning things and eating people. That made me happy.

Today, I logged onto to many of my usual sites to read more reactions to the chapter and instead came across a bunch of stuff about a character called Mercy. I quickly got that chapter and immediately knew it was an Arya chapter and that my life had gotten awesome because I am all about Arya. I will easily be sustaining myself with these meager pages until GOT returns in a couple weeks, after which there will be lots and lots of ASOIAF-themed things to get me through the next few months.

And then, I’l probably have to re-re-read the series again because I basically need to constantly replenish my ASOIAF cup until it runneth over.

¹ It is super scary to me that in the years since I started reading these books, they are genuinely something I think about on a conscious level ALL THE TIME. Last summer after completing a re-read, I started in on all the non-AU, canon-compliant fanfic because I needed more ASOIAF things in my brain. I had family visiting and could barely maintain conversations with them because I was puzzling out theories and character motivations and possible arcs and I need a new hobby.

I’m so happy, I’m not even going to complain about this story in WIRED where the writer, a book-reader, says that the Wall “bisects” Westeros. (“Bisect” is to divide in two, usually equal, parts. “Transect” is to cut across.) New ASOIAF makes me magnanimous!